So, today was the day! The first day of Kindergarten! It's funny because it seemed like when we bought the house and I was so very pregnant with Kyle, that we talked about how great it would be for him to go to school there and it just seemed like sooo long into the future! And yet here we are today!
At the end of preschool and for half of the summer, Kindergarten was all Kyle could talk about. Though as we got closer and closer there seemed to be more of the wanting to stay at home. He was lucky this morning though that George had the day off and we were all able to take him up to school this morning.
I, of course, wanted some pictures. George had the camera and shot this first one right away and it was the best! He just looks like such a big kid!

And then the silliness started with Kyle and his million faces! He just couldn't smile nicely again! He's quite the ham!

Anyway, we all went up to school and found his class. The teacher wanted to talk to the parents about a few things and that took about 15 minutes, so there was only about 30 minutes of class left today. We went out and George followed Nathan around while he played and I chatted with a few of the other mums. Before we knew it, class was over and we headed home! This whole week class is only 45 minutes to ease the kids in.
Kyle didn't say too too much about class when we asked - just that it was good. When mum called tonight though, he told her quite a bit more! They apparently did some music time, something with a calendar on the wall and spinning a wheel (no wonder that was a hit!) and then said they didn't do story time!! Maybe they were going to and ran out of time or something?!
Afterwards, Tracy dropped off Sophia for lunch and the afternoon. I asked Trace if she wanted to bring Matthew and stay for dinner since Brian wasn't going to be home, so they did that. Was fun having them stay and we just did an easy dinner of spaghetti, Caesar's salad and garlic bread!
Oh and the other thing that happened this afternoon was that Kyle went to get his Kindergarten booster shot. We were planning on doing it in the summer and it got later and later and then he had his surgery, so it just never got done. I wanted George to have the fun of being there for one of those, so he was on duty today! Apparently it went fine and Daddy promised him a Slurpee if he was good, so he happily came home with one of those!
Well, that was about it for our first day! We'll be going for another 45 minutes tomorrow!!