Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Passion

Now, some of you that pop by once in a while might remember that Kyle was doing Hip Hop last year.  Well, during spring break, we tried a one week karate class partly for something to do and partly because Kyle had been talking about karate.  This was an inexpensive way to try it out and not have to get a gi or anything.  Well, he loved it and it's all I've heard about since. 

We talked about doing it over the summer, but we were so busy that it didn't happen.  Finally after hearing about it multiple times a day for weeks, I registered him a couple of weeks ago and he's loving it!  He's already asked about belts and how long he has to practice before he can be tested.  We registered him for a month to get going, but I don't think that'll be the end of it by any means.  He can go 3 times a week, but only needs to go twice; however, we've been there 3 times a week since he started!  I'm glad he's found something he's enjoying.  It's unfortunately the same nights as dance though, so we've dropped that for now. 

Of course, Nathan had to get in on the pictures even if he's not taking karate!  I asked if he was interested in trying it, but not yet at least.  I want to find him something that he'll enjoy.  We need to get him registered for swimming soon for sure!

Well, that's it for right now.  Better go think about getting the kids an early lunch as they have preschool this afternoon!

1 comment:

Sarah Coggins said...

How great Kyle found something he likes so much he wants to go 3x a week! He'll have those belts in no time. :)