Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Fun!

OK, so this is going to be a little bit of randomness today...

I know the summer is whizzing by, but there are still some things I'm hoping to do and looking forward to...

I'm hoping to pick this up again and actually finish it this time.  Ever since having the boys, I haven't done very well with my reading and I do miss it.  I pick up books and keep trying, but never quite seem to finish.  I saw the trailers for the movie and want to see that as well, so I'm promising myself I'll finish the book first!

Also looking forward to doing some camping!  May only be the odd day here and there, but looking forward to it!  We didn't do much last year and really missed it.  Need to get on it though!

Yes, OK, I'm sucked in again this summer!  Having fun watching the houseguests and following all the craziness on Big Brother 12.  The good thing now is that I can PVR it and watch it without all the commericals and can zip through the boring bits!  Who are you cheering for?
Bought a ticket for this for tomorrow night and thinking about how we could spend that $50 million...  It's endless...  Any ideas?!  lol 

We've already done some fun summer things too like the fireworks, water park, the boys had a sleepover at Nana and Grandpa's, and just getting out and playing together.  George is working on teaching Kyle to ride his bike still since he's so tentative, but I think he's gaining in confidence.  Hoping to still get Kyle registered for karate here as well!

I know there's so much more I was thinking about when I started this, but it'll have to do for now... 


Jules said...

Oh, I have some ideas on how to spend that money! Hopefully see you soon :-)

Jscraps4u said...

Wow...busy busy.
I hope you find time to read!