Thursday, July 08, 2010

Summer has arrived...

OK, so these pictures don't exactly show that summer has arrived though I guess there is sun streaming in behind them from the window, but these two were sure cute sitting together the other morning!  They do get along quite well though being only 3 months apart in age (4 now) means that they definitely do have their moments!

Things certainly did start to heart up a couple of days ago though and, just as I predicted, we went from cool and often rainy to fairly hot (for BC weather!).  These were taken the day before yesterday before we got the pool out.  It was the first really warm day of the season for sure, so we got out the sprinkler to cool off and the kids had a blast!

The aftermath...

It got warmer yesterday and I think will be at least as warm as that today and maybe warmer.  I'm teaching tonight, so I'll be in air conditioning for that.  Thinkin' that might be a good thing!  I admit to not being one for the heat though it sure is nice to have the sun.  Seems to make everyone happier!

I'm a little tired this morning.  I find that I seem to get my second wind these days about 11pm when I should be going to bed.  I think it's just that it's quiet and I can get  a lot accomplished, but then I go to bed late and I'm tired in the morning.  I know that I have less patience when I'm tired too, so that's not good when I have 4 kids to deal with all day!

It really doesn't help that the last 2 nights were broken sleep when I finally did get it too!  The night before last Nathan woke up for whatever reason and then was upset and didn't seem to want to go back to sleep.  This morning was horrible though because I was woken up at 5:45am by the smoke detector as George tried to toast himself an English muffin!  Nothing like scaring the pants off me from a dead sleep!

Oh well, all's good and I've had coffee now, so let's see what the rest of the day brings!  Hope you have a good one!


Pat said...

Cute pics!!!

Alexis said...

cute!! Isn't it nice that summer finally has arrived. But man - it's hot. Have a good one.

emily said...

perfect summer pictures... I love the one of the little one holding up his shirt over the sprinkler! So funny!