OK, so it's taken me a while to get these posted, but here they are. All of the kids at preschool (3 classes) got together and went to the pumpkin patch last Monday. I was very thankful that the rain held off until the afternoon and that we had plans to go in the morning.
We'd never been to this place before, but it was easy enough to find. George's mum was nice enough to come and watch Nathan so I didn't have to try and keep track of him as well. All the kids got little safety vests to wear so that we could keep track of them. Kyle was really excited about going and was bouncing all over the place. We went inside and they got to plant a flower first - a paper white. I think they had as much fun with this as anything else! I also managed to get a couple of pictures of Kyle outside before we got started.
After the flower planting, all the kids went outside to a grassy area where they'd brought pumpkins in from the field since it was so muddy. They all got to pick one and then we went back inside for juice and crackers. A fun morning for sure! The only bad thing was that I didn't get some of the pictures I wanted because the batteries in my camera died!
Better be off as I'm going to a staff crop at the store tonight. I'm hoping to get the invitations I'm working on for George's grandpa's 100th birthday party finshed as well as a few Christmas cards!
Have a great day!
PS Don't forget about the blog candy post below!!
I love the pictures of the pumkin patch.. great can't wait till you scrap them and share.. great photo.. keep them coming..
How adorable is my nephew?!
Great pictures from the pumpkin patch!
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