To ME! Yes, another year older and - whatever!! Just a number to me and things are wonderful, so the label doesn't matter! I'm lucky enough to have a fabulous husband and 2 lovely little boys and be living in a house I love. I have amazing family and friends both near and far, so what more could someone ask for on their birthday?! Oh, OK, winning the lottery would be nice, but hey, we can't always have it all! hee hee
It's going to be a fun day actually. Mum and dad are coming a little later this morning and we're going to hand out for a couple of hours and then they're going to watch the kids while I go to preschool with Kyle. It's the last day of preschool for the week and since Mother's Day is Sunday, they're doing a Mother's Day tea and I think a lot of work has gone into this, so it should be fun. Not sure what we're doing for dinner, but George told me not to worry about it and mumbled something about going out for dinner! If I can manage a little scrapping later, it'll be perfect!
So, to celebrate, I'm going to be doing a little scrappy blog candy! Make sure you leave me a comment with your info and what you like to do on your birthday!! I'll send someone a little present!! I'll leave it open until Sunday!

Colleen, I hope you have an amazing birthday!!
On my birtday, I just like to do what I'm feeling. It could be having DH take the kids out for a while so I can have some quiet time or maybe doing something together as a family. Usually DH and I do go out to dinner by ourselves.
Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope your family is treating you as special as you are treating your readers. I like to do anything that sounds like fun. Mostly I like to go hide in my stamping room for awhile and just play. Thanks for a chance.
Happy Birthday Col!~
Like we were discussing yesterday, I like to have a day off work on my birthday and think that it would be great if everyone got that!
Have fun at your Mother's Day Tea!
Happy Birthday to you!
Well, your birthday plans sound about perfect for me! I like to be able to relax - but that doesnt usually happen.
Happy birthday, again, Colleen! Sounds like you are going to have a great day.
Spending time with my boys and close friends is my favourite way to spend my birthday.
Take care!
I hope your day is beautiful Colleen.
Happy Birthday, my daughters birthday is May 8, what a wonderful month. On my birthday I like to spend time with my family and go out to dinner.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
I prefer to just hang out with my husband, daughter and son/daughter-in-law and eat German chocolate cake with vanilla bean ice cream.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Hope you had a fun time today!
I enjoy going out for something to eat with loved ones, whoever may be around at the time.
Hope you have had a great day so far and that it continues way into the night.
I really don't celebrate my birthday much. It's close to Thanksgiving and we have so much going on at the time it just kind of goes as it goes. Guess if I could have a day just for me that would be fun, you know, someone doing all the chores without being reminded (or nagged) and fixing meals, etc. so I could just sit and chill out. That would be a good day!
Happy Birthday Colleen! Sending you a big hug and cyber birthday cupcakes!!
On my birthday I love to eat cake and buy scrapbooking stuff, not much for parties and also love to go trick or treating (very close to Halloween)
Colleen, happy, happy birthday wishes to you! I hope you had a fabulous day filled with special treats :)
On my birthday I like a mix of things...donuts for breakfast :) some quiet time later in the day to read, craft, etc., and a great family dinner, at home or out - as long as I'm not cooking, I'm happy!
Best wishes for many more happy birthdays ahead :)
Happy Birthday to you Colleen!! Hope you have an amazing one :)
For me, on my birthday, I would get nice gifts, eat a delicious cake, have nice meals all day, and just have fun. It would all be better if it were in a foreign land :)
Happy Birthday !! Sounds like a wonderful day. I love having cake!
Dinner out is one of my favorite birthday things... mine or someone else's. Let someone else clean up the mess!
Hope you enjoy your Mother's Day Tea - it sounds like great fun! I just like to be with my family for my birthday.
Happy Birthday!!!Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you have a terrific day. From the sound of it, you will. On my birthday I would love to order in and cuddle up and watch a movie. Spells R&R in my book. NO, it has never happened.
Happy Birthday Colleen!
I am usually doing parent teacher conferences on my birthday but do like to have a little dinner with my family.
Have a gret one.
Happy, Happy b-day! I hope you had an amazing day :)
Happy belated birthday, Colleen! Hope you had a wonderful day. :)
Happy Birthday!! I don't usually do anything special on my birthday..just out to dinner. Which I love..a break from cooking is always a good thing. :) Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday! I love to go out to dinner on my birthday, and eat ice cream cake. Thanks for sharing :)
Hope your day was fantastic! On my birthday, I usually like to spend time with my family and not having to worry about cooking or cleaning!
Have a Happy Birthday!! I like to spend the day doing whatever I want. Then I go to dinner with my family and then go to my moms for presents and cake.
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