Thursday, February 05, 2009

Not So Thrilling Thursday...

Well, hate to say it, but it was just another day around here!
- kids up and ready to take Kyle to school
- nice walk in the sunshine up to school
- made muffins with Sophia and Nathan
- picked up Kyle at school and the kids played a bit up there since it was so nice
- home for lunches
- little ones down for naps
- more "issues" with Nathan and his Pull-Ups and potty training
- Kyle and I hung out this afternoon
- pizza for dinner
- a little scrapping and some TV

Nothing really out of the ordinary, so I guess that's not such a bad day after all when I think about...
- the boys climbing into bed with me for a bit this morning
- our nice walk in the sunshine
- the nice chat I had with Tracy
- a wonderful cuddle with Kyle this afternoon
- Brian bringing me a coffee when he picked up Sophia
- not having to make dinner
- a relatively relaxing evening
- a nice chat with my mum too

Yeah, sometimes days that aren't that thrilling can be good too... It's just all in how you look at it!

1 comment:

Amy W. said...

hey i tagged you on my blog! :)