Sunday, March 15, 2009

Interesting Day at Work...

Well, things we moving along as usual at work and we were actually fairly busy when we got a little bit of a surprise at work today... a power outage!! At first it flickered a couple of times and we thought it might come back on, but no such luck. We called the store owners and they came down with receipt books and we did some handwritten receipts. The joy of modern technology without power! We were open for another hour or so after the power went out though not too many people stayed. Some left purchases and said they'd be back later for them...

Apparently the power didn't come on for about 3 and a half hours and it was because of a fire, a power station blowout and a 3 car MVA all in the same area though I don't know what happened first or which was linked to which. After the power went out, we did hear a lot of emergency vehicles and one customer said she'd find out what was going on and come back and let us know. Well, I found out afterwards that she's a police officer and she did come and let us know that all of that had been going on within about a block, so I guess it's all somehow related.

We have also had quite the weather day with just about everything you can imagine. It's really windy and rainy out there right now, but we had snow, wind, sun, rain and real cold! You'd sure never know it was Spring Break judging by the weather!

Came home and started watching the Canucks only to wake up on the sofa with about a minute to go and find them winning thankfully! A relaxing evening and it'll be nice to have George off all week this week! And tomorrow is my turn to sleep in!! Yeah!



Sarah Coggins said...

Interesting day indeed. Hope no one was hurt in all that commotion. Enjoy sleeping in today and the fun week w/ George home! :)

GinniG said...

I'm glad you were safe! Hopefully everyone's okay from all the commotion. And hopefully the people who left product will come back and buy more! ;)

Pat said...

Hi Colleen, just wanted to stop by & say hello!