Well, you can see what George and Kyle did last night! We have unfortunately not been camping this year and it doesn't look like it's going to happen either. I can't remember the last summer when I haven't camped!! Anyway, George got out the tent and Kyle got his "checklist" of everything they needed and they were off. We were surprised that Kyle actually asked to go to bed because he was tired and was OK about going to bed in the tent by himself so that George didn't have to go to bed at 8pm!
I didn't get any pictures last night, but was out there first thing thing this morning - before 7am! Kyle phoned me (from George's cell) at about 6:45am and I was already awake because I'd heard
Nathan playing in his crib. He called to tell me he was having fun camping and to tell me he loved me! I called back and he answered, so I asked if I could come and take some pictures and he was all good with that! After doing that, he came in and asked if he could have a "bedtime snack" because he wanted to eat in bed in the tent! So cute he is! I came in and got Nathan up and took him out to play in the tent for a bit too and he loved that. Next year, he'll be able to sleep out there with them!
I ended up having a bust and somewhat crazy day yesterday! I got up early and got the kids up so we could take George to work so that I could have the car. We came home and Kyle was playing and Nathan was napping while I got ready to go out for lunch with friends. I was almost done when the fire alarm (yes, the crazy loud Brinks one) went off and scared the *(%(#* out of the kids! I shut it off and cancelled the alarm so that the fire dept. wouldn't come and then it went off again REALLY scaring the kids, so I had to shut it off again. I called Brinks and they're sending someone out to check it Tuesday because this happened before too and there's really no fire! Since the kids were so freaked out, I quickly finished getting ready and we left early to go to George's parents.
As we were almost there, I then had the horrible thought that I might have left the coffee on! I pretty much always
shut it off right after getting my coffee, but with all the morning chaos, I couldn't remember. I decided that since I had the time, I'd better drop the kids off and come home and check. I did and,m of course, the coffee was off, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about it all through lunch!
Went for lunch with Grant and Carolyn (my old bosses at
Modus). It's been ages since I'd seen them and Grant starts a new job next week and is going to be busier, so it was good timing. We went to
Las Margaritas and had a really great chat/catch-up and a good lunch to go with it. It was nice to go out without the kids for a change too since it doesn't happen as often as maybe it should sometimes.
Rushed off to pick up the kids and then go and get George. Found out that Nathan wouldn't nap in the playpen. Apparently he'd heard a car alarm not long before his nap time and that freaked him out all over again after the house alarm in the morning. Nathan ended up sleeping for about an hour being cuddled by his
Opa!! He was awake when I got there, but kyle was still sleeping and he's a hard one to wake up, but we managed it! We ended up being a little late to get George, but got him too and headed off home. It really was a fun day despite all the craziness too!
Well, I also did my weigh-in yesterday and I was down .5! I'm not going to complain because it was down though I was hoping for a little more. I admit to stepping on the scale the day before and being down 2lbs, but that was then and not my weigh-in day, so who knows and just have to work at more for the coming week. The important thing is that it was down! I think it may be a little "whoa Nelly - what are you doing to me??" on the part of my body after last week as well and I'm still down 7lbs in 2 weeks, so it's all good!! Didn't write everything down yesterday, but didn't do too badly even with eating out and I just need to start writing things down again!
Today's 2Peas Blogger Challenge~ What are your crafting plans for today?Well, I'm hoping to get the pictures above scrapped either today or tomorrow! I have a few challenges on the go too that I'd like to get to! (see question below too!)
Today's Scrapperie Blogger Topic: What has inspired you to create lately?I have thankfully been finding inspiration all over the place these days and I have a million ideas going around in my head, but need to get at some of them! I really want to do a book for Kyle's
pre-school stuff that I saw in the most recent Simple Scrapbooks Magazine that uses 10X13 envelopes in it! I have them, but not everything I need to do it, so maybe I can get the other stuff this weekend!
Better be off and get some other stuff done here this morning too since I'm actually not working today! We have a
bbq to go to later that is being hosted by one of the guys that George works with, so I hope the weather holds out!
Have a great day!