These darling "big" boys are mine the other day when I mentioned they had been cuddling on the sofa. I hadn't had time to post the pictures then, but when I look at these, I can't help but think of how much they're changing and growing these days. I really do love that they're playing together more and they have fun together! It's not always without tears, but that's all part of having a sibling! Learning to play!
We had an early morning this morning as we all got up to take George to work. We were out of the house at 6am and on the road. The boys woke up on their own, but Nathan just grabbed his blankie and dragged me into his room at 8am and said "Ni Ni" which means he wants to go back to bed!
We needed the car because we're going to Kyle's preschool "coffee party". It's a meet and greet thing for the kids and mums. I can also take Nathan so that makes things easier and it worked out well that I don't have Sophia today! I thought the party was at the preschool and we were just going to walk, but it's at someone's house and it's too far to walk there! Kyle is REALLY looking forward to this and is very excited to meet some of the other kids. Every day he asked if school starts today!
Other than that, there's not too much going on today! Both the boys will probably nap this afternoon after getting up early and that'll give me time to get ready for work this evening! It'll be a fun one with going to pick up George from work, dropping them all off here and then heading right out for work. There just wasn't any other way to do it though since we need to go to this party this morning and we need the car to get there. Only 4 hours tonight and I'm sure there'll be more goodies out, so I can't wait to see what's there!
I have a project that I'm hoping to get done this weekend sometime too. I want to make a book for all of Kyle's preschool stuff that he brings home by using an idea in the most recent issue of Simple Scrapbooks that uses 10 10X13 envelopes to make the book. Here's a sample album by Donna Downey, Huntersville, NC and the "how-to" is also in the link:

I have everything I need to do it now and just need to get on it and do it! Think this'll be really cute and help me keep all the papers and stuff he brings home organized. I want to put a picture of him on the envelope for each month! Going to be fun!
Well, better go get ready while Nathan is in bed!!
PS Don't forget about the blog candy a couple of posts down if you haven't put your name in for it...taking names until Friday at midnight - tell your friends!
Hello Colleen
This is Noriko from Osaka Japan.
I send E-mail now but I couldn't.
Did you change E-mail Adress?
I changed E-mail Adeess.
What can I do now ???
Any way your Children is so wanderful^^.
that's so cool colleen! love the pics and thanks for the link! :) HUGS!
Noriko! You can e-mail me at
CUTIE pictures & neat idea on the book! I hope the start of school goes smoothly!
What great pictures of the boys. Before you know it they will be in college!
Have fun at work
What a pair of cuties! Great pics :) And the project looks like fun!!
I saw that idea in SS magazine. It looks like a great project! Can't wait to see how it turns out. :-) Janet
What a great idea! I will definitely have to make that. They bring home so much stuff from school it's amazing. I just leave it anywhere I can cram another piece of paper, this is much nicer!
HEY! What a cool idea! I made something like this with smaller envelopes to organize homemade cards. I'm gonna have to look for some of those big envelopes!
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