I'm so very lucky to have all the things in my life that I do and there's really only one thing that regularly haunts me and that is my WEIGHT. It's something I've battled most of my life and having two kids has certainly not helped, but it's no longer an excuse either. I need to just start walking the walk and doing what I already know I need to do to be happier and healthier. This isn't going to happen overnight, but I've come to the very real conclusion that it's only going to get worse if I don't actively do something about it. Thinking about it isn't helping!
There are some people in my life that have recently already taken this journey on and I thank them for being motivators in my life. I only hope that we can support one another through the hard times and cheer each other on with our successes.
I'm going to go back to what I know and what's worked for me in the past which is Weight Watchers. I have all the stuff, so I'm going to get started on my own. I actually did my own weigh in this morning as much as I didn't want to. I have trouble getting to meetings and they're expensive, so I might try it online for 3 months depending on how things go for the next bit.
It's about the big picture here in that I just want to be happier and healthier. I want to be able to run around and play with the boys and not be tired. I want to wear a smaller size. I want to shop in a regular store. I want to be a good role model. I want to enjoy every day even more than I do now without thinking about my weight. I want to get to a point where I can enjoy food and not be thinking about it constantly.
I've started this journey before and have had success, so I just need to keep doing it. This is a layout I did before about the reasons why I need to do this...

So many reasons to do it and not many not too!
And my quote for the day...
Frank Lloyd Wright:
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
OK, there it is in black and white, so now it's a matter of action and consistency!
Cheers and have a healthy day,
Well said! Good luck. I too have been telling myself for months to get out and walk the dog each night. But then I make excuses... it's too hot, it's raining, I'm tired.
I just HAVE to get off my ever-enlarging butt and DO IT.
^5 maureen and colleen - i've so been there myself. am there myself. enjoy your weekend ladies!
You go Colleen!!! Good for you! Last week I set myself back on a new course and so far so good. I'm dragging my husband along with me this time to see if that will help. He's kind of a whiner though!
Congratulations Colleen! This is the biggest step. It is very difficult at times especially in the beginning. I know, because I'm going through it again myself. I did a low carb diet back in 2002 and ended up losing about 60 lbs. Since then I've been pretty good and managed to maintain, but just resently things got bad.... put on at least 10-15 lbs and they have got to go. If you need anyone to talk to you I'm here for you! Keep up the good work.
I so hear ya on this one Colleen! I need to get motivated to loose my excess weight too! I want to be healthier, more engergenic and just feel better about my body!
Best wishes! WW is a great program!!!
You go girl! You can do it!
I know what a struggle it can be. Know that you are not alone. You have a lot of people cheering you on!
Good for you to have such a good outlook! Stay positive. It is not fun.
((hugs)) Colleen! I'm right there with you!
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