Thursday, December 25, 2008

Not the way I expected the day to end...

We had a really nice day here and picked mum and dad up at the airport at the crack of dawn after their 6 weeks in Australia. We did our tree and the boys wanted everything in the house opened to play with of course. We decided not to go to our extended family dinner since it's over an hour away and we have a ton of snow and it was snowing again when we made our decision.

We had turkey (done on the bbq in all the snow!) and all the trimmings here though and that was awesome. The boys had baths and got their jammies on. Nathan was complaining that something hurt on his side, but I thought it was because we were looking at where Kyle hurt his knee. Well, not too long after he went to bed... we had throwing up - X2! Niiiice way to spend Christmas evening - doing puke laundry!

I don't know if it was what he ate (though he didn't seem to have too much junk today honestly and had turkey, apple, some veg, etc at dinner), the excitement, too much running around, no nap (from being wound up) or maybe all of the the above!

Anyway, both he and Kyle are tucked in and seem fine and George and I are just hanging out and relaxing a bit before we call it an early night I think. I'm working tomorrow and We were up at 4:30am this morning to get George and Kyle out the door to the airport and so I could call mum and dad and tell them the boys were on their way! Thankfully, Nathan slept a little later until his usual 6am!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day! I really enjoyed ours though it was a little different without all of the family as well. It was fun watching the kids and the presents this morning! And one of the great things about staying at home is that I was in my sweats all day!

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

GinniG said...

Oh Colleen! I hope little Nathan's okay! Poor baby! I'm glad you had a good day in spite of how it ended. Don't work too hard today and get some rest tonight! :)