Friday, January 23, 2009

Pyjama Day!

Yes, it was pyjama day at school for Kyle today and this was one of about 20 pictures I tried to take since I wasn't getting a very good one! Of course, they got downright silly eventually and then Nathan wanted his picture taken so the 2 of them were fighting. Great way to set off for school on a Friday morning!

Nathan and I came home and puttered with a few things which included making double chocolate muffins which he, of course, doesn't like at all! Couldn't resist this picture and it was only one of a bunch I really liked today!

Not much else going on here. Just trying to get ready for work! I got a blog award from Theresa and Darlene as well, but I'm just going to have to try and post it this weekend since I need to go finish a few things and the kids are running around like crazy.

Have a good one!


Christina Hill said...

Gotta love zipper jammies. I miss those for my daughter. They should make them in adult sizes too. Wouldn't that be cute? LOL

KerrynF said...

Gorgeous photos Colleen, what a fabulous idea having a PJ day.
I have to agree with you how quickly each week is flying, I just can't get caught up.